Fishery Reports Ltd is a company that develops applications for the angling sector.
The 2 applications we currently offer are Fishery Reports and Score Fishing.

Please click on a service to read more

What is Fishery Reports:
Fishery Reports is a modern, paperless application to help manage a fishery or club
Suitable for Coarse and Trout fisheries
Day and season ticket management and control
Bailiff checking at the waterside
Catch data collection and display on interactive catch maps
Fishery Reports is so much more than just a ticket system...but costs the same!
Contact us to learn more or to arrange an online demo

What is Score Fishing:
Score Fishing is a modern, paperless solution to managing, scoring and generating results of fishing competitions.
Score Fishing is suitable for all fishing competitions, large or small. It can be used for competitions in rivers, lakes, canals, beaches and the open sea. Competition formats include peg, beat, free to roam, street, boat and species hunts.
Events can be simple one-off competitions right through to multi-day, multi-sector, multi-session competitions with teams or individuals.
At the waterside scoring with the Mobile Scoring App
Internet connection is not even needed when using our Mobile Scoring App!
Contact us to learn more or to arrange an online demo

Contact information


Jade +44 07871 902 299
Jon +44 07876 173 342